Make like a Millennial and go easy on the alcohol with Drink Nil

By, 2 Feb 2022


The health and wellness trend of recent years has had a huge impact on what we eat, how we behave and what we drink. Across the generations, people appear to be knocking back less booze than ever before. No need to get all depressed by this fact, because the happy result is a beverage market awash with delicious alternatives to alcohol.

Sales of zero-booze beverages are booming. The Wall Street Journal reports that liquor companies see the benefits of sobriety. Indeed, the days are long gone when people wanting a drink without alcohol had to settle for a Sprite or a Coke. Fancy mixologists are shaking up tasty mocktails and independent producers are developing innovative substitutions.

Whether you are propping up a steamy bar, idling in a leafy garden or chilling on a roof terrace – could this be your summer of sobriety? Make like a true millennial and check out Drink Nil, the non-alcoholic specialists of the South African drinks market.

Drink Nil was born during the lockdown alcohol ban of 2020. The company was quick to respond to this rapidly evolving drinks marketplace by providing a focussed retail solution they believe people will respond to. Drink Nil is a one-stop-shop for non-alcoholic drinks. Everything you see at the Drink Nil online store has been specially curated for people who want the positives of traditional alcoholic drinks, but without the negatives.

Whether you are looking for zero-alcohol wine, gin, spirits, mocktails, tonics, seltzers, ciders or beers, Drink Nil has got you covered. During Dry January, the company ran #DRYJAN deals on award-winning non-alcoholic vermouth and Absinthe. The store also has a sale section, where you can bag some tasty zero-alcohol beverages.

Now make like a millennial and round up your friends for a sober party. It’s a thing, apparently, and the best part? It’s regret-free and comes without that dreadful hangover.

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